Custom Aluminum Wall Panel System Design and Installation

Precision Panels Inc. (PPI) was established to specialize in commercial aluminum wall panel systems. PPI’s custom aluminum wall panel systems use standard extrusion and panel sizes. Panels do not require any offsite fabrication and can be installed on any kind of structure. This provides a huge advantage over other systems by greatly minimizing the time from job specification to job completion and therefore any associated costs and/or delays.


Our panel system is cut to fit and snaps together on site, reducing costs, installation and lead times. The panel extrusions and snap on caps work together to create a rain screen panel system which allows any moisture to exit. Installation is simple and allows the configuration to be tailored on site. No more waiting for pre-fabricated panels.

We handle new construction or restoration projects, in either aluminum (non-combustible) or aluminum composite (combustible) paneling. We distribute our product across Canada.